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Tales of Brave Ulysses

November 27, 2002 / 9:48 p.m.

Hi. I'm really tired and really need to study, so you can see why I'm writing this entry.

1) I blocked Psychopath from my MSN. I can just pretend, if I run into him again (and I know I will), that I've been extra busy and as such have not been online. Somehow I'm convinced though that he has a magic device on his computer that allows him to see through blocks and know that I'm online, so I am still scared to go online, thinking he will message me. Yes, my paranoia has kicked into overdrive.

2) We just got back from Bollywood/Hollywood. It was very amusing, but most Bollywood (or Bollywood inspired) films are. There were various things that we had issues with though. I was irrated by their integration of the Bollywood film style, in that it wasn't really integrated at all. Sure, they would break out into song and dance with no warning (and that is classic Bollywood for sure), but it was just lacking in something. And it was irritating because they just kept randomly referring to all these Bollywood films for the sake of doing it, and not because they had an important point in the film. It's like when you see in Hollywood films weird characters who go around quoting pop-cultural things: it has to have a point, it shouldn't be done just because you can (and this is the inherent problem with Postmodernism, but we won't get into that right now).

An extra amusing point about the film was that Annu was hit on by one of the guys in it. Last year when she worked at Milestones, she met this guy from Surrey who lived on top of the restaurant, so they started chatting about Vancouver and he was hitting on her to the max (<-- yeah, I just said that). The guy was 27 (i.e. no chance) and he was an actor/comedian. Well, it turns out that he was in this movie (seeing as it was filmed in Toronto). He plays Bobby, the main character's sister's fiancé. When he first showed up, Annu was like "It's Jazz!" So that was amusing.

3) I'm attempting to study for my art history exam right now, but I keep reading all the little notes I make of the strange/funny things my prof says and it's making me laugh. Witness (well, you may not find this funny, but I do, since I know how he sounds when he says it):

  1. Project with a clear bell-like voice
  2. Anyone with a beard is the father
  3. She's more than grieving, she's actually dead
  4. Napoleon was short and Marat was ugly [on how art can lie]
  5. You don't have to worry about that [class starts to laugh]... I know I'm too much
  6. If you wanted to compare these two paintings... I'm not sure that you do
  7. Medusa was a kind of bad sculptor
  8. They were executed in 1814 -- the works, that is, not the victims [in reference to Goya's The Third of May]
  9. So what should they do? They started eating each other [in reference to Gericault's Raft of the Medusa]
  10. ...quieting his appetite by munching on this man's arm [again in reference to Raft]
  11. He was sickly... in fact, his early death was no accident [in reference to German Romanticist Otto Runge]
  12. ...where they're being devoured by predatory fish [in reference to Turner's Slave Ship]

  13. Semi-clothed women are the symbol of truth [in regards to Delacroix's Liberty Leading The People]
  14. I know we're being a bit Franco-centric, but there are worse things to be

    Ha, I didn't know I actually wrote down that much of what he says. He's really funny though, I like him a lot.

    The song of the day is "Tales of Brave Ulysses" by Cream.

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